Friday, October 15, 2010

Review: Shadow's of Lancaster County

I recently finished Shadow's of Lancaster County by Mindy Clark Starns. This mystery novel Anna Bailey is faced to deal with her past and the tragic accident that took place when she was just a teenager. Raised in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, Anna sought a new life when she and friends were blamed with the fire that killed an Amish family. When Anna's brother, Bobby, goes missing and a long time friend is dead, Anna realizes she must return home to solve the mystery. While searching for her brother, Anna realizes she herself is being targeted by someone. An old love interest also comes to town to aid Anna in her search, but can he be trusted again? Is Bobby dead and can Anna use his mysterious clues to solve the mystery?

I love that this book includes very modern issues such as DNA research and modification. This book was well written and I found it an enjoyable read. After reading a number of Amish inspirational novels, I found Shadow's of Lancaster County a refreshing read, while the religious aspect wasn't completely absent, it also was not the main focus. I'm excited to read more of Mindy Clark Starn's novels.

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